[None] Course index
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BIPH 6107, Biomedical Imaging (application/pdf)
COCR 1012, Work Place Protocol (application/pdf)
COCR 1013, Financial Literacy (application/pdf)
COCR 1030, Technology Literacy (application/pdf)
COCR 1033, Mind the Gap: Towards Psychological Health & Wellness (application/pdf)
COCR 1034, Public Speaking & Voice Training: Towards a More Confident You (application/pdf)
COCR 1036, Ethics & Integrity: Building Moral Competencies (application/pdf)
COCR 1039, First Aid, CPR, AED (application/pdf)
COCR 1046, Meditation & Holistic Health (application/pdf)
COCR 1047, Defensive Driving Simulation (application/pdf)
COCR 1048, Microsoft Excel Expert 2019 (application/pdf)
COCR 1052, Introduction to Sign Language (application/pdf)
COCR 1056, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019 (application/pdf)
COCR 1057, Microsoft Office Word 2019 (application/pdf)
COCR 1058, Microsoft Office Excel 2019 (application/pdf)
COCR 1059, Discover Microsoft 365 Collaborative Tools (application/pdf)
COMS 2502, Communication Technology Practicum (application/pdf)
CUTL 5001, Teaching & Learning: Theory & Practice (application/pdf)
ECON 2030, Behavioural Economics (application/pdf)
EDFL 5400, Teach of Modern Foreign Lang (application/pdf)
EDSP 0102, Sports Officiating (application/pdf)
EDSP 0201, Issues and Values In Sp & Phy Ed (application/pdf)
EDSP 0202, Sports Injuries: Prev & Treat (application/pdf)
EDVA 5300, Teaching of Visual & Performing Arts (application/pdf)
ENGR 3003, Engineering Entrepreneurship (application/pdf)
FOUN 1107, Writing in the Visual, Performing & Carnival Arts (application/pdf)
GEND 2013, Men & Masculinities in the Caribbean (application/pdf)
GEND 2025, women & Work in the Global Economy (application/pdf)
GEND 2104, Cinema & Gender (application/pdf)
GEND 3031, Sex, Gender & Society (application/pdf)
GEND 3038, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen (application/pdf)
GEND 5002/6003/7002/8002, Philosophy of Gender in Caribbean Thought (application/pdf)
GEND 6102, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology (application/pdf)
GEND 6103, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning (application/pdf)
GEND 7101, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology (application/pdf)
GEND 7102, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning (application/pdf)
GEND 8101, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology (application/pdf)
GEND 8102, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning (application/pdf)
GEOM 1041, Statistics for Geomatics Engineering (application/pdf)
GEOM 2065, Construction and Engineering Surveying (application/pdf)
GW101, Grammar Workshop (application/pdf)
HIST 1307, History of Africa, ca. 1000-1860 (application/pdf)
INRL 6020, Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Methods for Int’l Relations (application/pdf)
LMGV 2006, Commercial Valuation Project (application/pdf)
MGMT 3052, MGMT 3052 (application/pdf)
SOCI 5001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen (application/pdf)
SOCI 6101, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen (application/pdf)
SOCI 7001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen (application/pdf)
SOCI 8001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen (application/pdf)
SPCH 1000, Sport Coaching: Basic Concepts (application/pdf)
SPKN 1103, Human Anatomy 2 - The Lower Quadrant (application/pdf)
SPKN 1104, Introduction to Sport & Exercise Psychology (application/pdf)