Timetable Finder

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Initial: All, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y

Course: ACCT 1002, Intro. to Financial Accounting
Course: ACCT 1003, Intro. to Cost & Management Accounting
Course: ACCT 2015, Financial Accounting II
Course: ACCT 2025, Fraud Examination
Course: ACCT 3015, Accounting Information Systems
Course: ACCT 3039, Management Accounting II
Course: ACCT 3040, Accounting Theory
Course: ACTS 3000, Actuarial Science Project
Course: ACTS 3013, Loss Models II
Course: ACTS 3014, Asset & Liability Management II
Course: ADRR 2001, Disaster Risk Assessment and Analysis
Course: ADRR 2004, Disaster Risk Resilience and Climate Change Adaptations
Course: AGBU 1002, Intro. to Agro-Environmental Management
Course: AGBU 1006, Macroeconomic Fundamentals for Caribbean Agriculture
Course: AGBU 2003, Applied Statistics
Course: AGBU 3000, Farm Business Management in Agriculture
Course: AGBU 3002, International Marketing of Agricultural Products
Course: AGBU 3005, Intro. to Quantitative Methods in Economics
Course: AGBU 3007, New Venture Creation & Management
Course: AGBU 3009, International Trade Policy & Regulations
Course: AGBU 6002, International Trade & Marketing
Course: AGBU 6401, Economics of Food Security
Course: AGCP 011, Post Harvest Management, Value Addition and Marketing
Course: AGCP 2007, Postharvest Technology
Course: AGCP 3012, Tropical Food Crops
Course: AGCP 3102, Sustainable Fruit Crop Production
Course: AGCP 3200, Crop Breeding
Course: AGCP 6250, Weed Science
Course: AGCP 6252, Crop Production II
Course: AGEX 3000, Technology Transfer in Agriculture
Course: AGEX 3001, Island Food Systems
Course: AGEX 5011, Extension Methods for Climate Change Adaptation
Course: AGEX 5012, Women and Youth in Agriculture and Community Development
Course: AGLS 2001, Animal Health & Management
Course: AGLS 2102, Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition
Course: AGLS 3004, Non-Ruminant Production Systems
Course: AGLS 3200, Animal Breeding
Course: AGLS 6003, Tropical Livestock Development
Course: AGLS 6004, Advanced Ruminant Production
Course: AGLS 6006, M.Sc. Research Project (Tropical Animal Science)
Course: AGLS 6202, Advanced Animal Nutrition II
Course: AGLS 6401, Reproductive Physiology
Course: AGLS 6502, Tropical Zoo & Wildlife Product. & Management
Course: AGLS 6804, Tropical Commodity Utilisation (Livestock)
Course: AGLS 7000, M.Phil. Thesis - Livestock Science
Course: AGRI 0107, Mathematics
Course: AGRI 0108, Agricultural Biology II
Course: AGRI 0109, Agricultural Biochemistry
Course: AGRI 0110, Introductory Soil Science
Course: AGRI 0111, Crop Production I
Course: AGRI 0112, Livestock Production I
Course: AGRI 014, Integrated Pest and Disease Management
Course: AGRI 0206, Introduction to Post-Production Technology
Course: AGRI 0207, Tropical Aquaculture
Course: AGRI 0208, Livestock Production II
Course: AGRI 0209, Agricultural Economics II
Course: AGRI 0210, Farm Practice III
Course: AGRI 1003, Mathematics For Scientists
Course: AGRI 1011, Intro. to General Genetics
Course: AGRI 1013, Intro. to Biochemistry
Course: AGRI 1016, Plant Anatomy & Physiology
Course: AGRI 1020, Crop & Livestock Fundamentals
Course: AGRI 1102, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy & Communication
Course: AGRI 2001, Tropical Crop Protection
Course: AGRI 2300, Internship
Course: AGRI 3020, Food Microbiology (FSA)
Course: AGRI 3107, Pest Diagnostics
Course: AGRI 3124, Research Project (Food Production)
Course: AGRI 5255, Pesticide Application Technology & Management
Course: AGRI 5256, Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management
Course: AGRI 5257, Alternatives to Synthetic Chemical Pesticides in Sustainable Pest Management
Course: AGRI 6121, Global Phytosanitary Issues & their Application
Course: AGRI 6222, Molecular Techniques in Crop Protection
Course: AGRI 6241, Plant Pathology & Virology
Course: AGRI 6250, Applied Entomology
Course: AGRI 6620 Statistics, PhD FFA
Course: AGRI 6702, Food Quality & Food Analysis
Course: AGRI 6802, Tropical Commodity Utilisation
Course: AGRI 6902, Product Development
Course: AGSL 2000, Soil Fertility & Fertilizer Technology
Course: AGSL 2001, Soil & Water Management
Course: AGSL 3001, Irrigation & Drainage Technology
Course: AGSL 3102, Composting Science & Compost Use
Course: ARTS 6104, Marketing & Promotion in the Arts
Course: ARTS 6105, Arts & Cultural Enterprise Management (Practicum)
Course: ARTS 6106, Policy & Development in Arts & Culture
Course: AVMT 6009, Airport Operations & Management
Course: AVMT 6017, Aviation Finance Management
Course: BIOC 2162, Secretory & Circulatory Systems
Course: BIOC 2169, Practical Skills in Biochemistry II
Course: BIOC 2262, Gene Expression
Course: BIOC 3069, Biochemistry Research Project
Course: BIOC 3262, Medical Biochemistry
Course: BIOC 3364, Biochemical Basis of Disease
Course: BIOC 3500, Molecular Virology
Course: BIOL 0200, N1 BIOLOGY II
Course: BIOL 1362, Biochemistry I
Course: BIOL 1364, Introductory Genetics
Course: BIOL 2164, Principles of Molecular Biology
Course: BIOL 2265, Fundamentals of Microbiology
Course: BIOL 2464, Fundamentals of Ecology
Course: BIOL 2764, Physiology of Plants
Course: BIOL 2867, Physiology of Animals
Course: BIOL 3069, Research Project (Life Sciences)
Course: BIOL 3162, Principles of Microbial Biotechnology
Course: BIOL 3366, Plant Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Course: BIOL 3369, Laboratory Skills in Biotechnology
Course: BIOL 3409, Caribbean Coral Reefs
Course: BIOL 3462, The Ecology of Freshwaters
Course: BIOL 3465, Tropical Forest Ecology & Use
Course: BIOL 3466, Coastal Ecosystems & Resource Management
Course: BIOL 3768, Plant Diversity & Systematics
Course: BIOL 3772, Plant Development
Course: BIOL 3774, Research & Practical Skills in Plant Biology
Course: BIOL 3866, Parasite Biology
Course: BIOL 3869, Zoology Project
Course: BIOL 3870, Insect Biology
Course: BIOL 3971, Fisheries Management
Course: BIOT 6002, Advances in Plant Genetic Engineering and Plant Biotechnology
Course: BIOT 6006, Bioethics
Course: BIOT 6014, Research Project
Course: BIPH 6105, Radiation Biology
Course: BIPH 6106, Radiation Oncology
Course: BIPH 6107, Biomedical Imaging
Course: BIPH 6109, Medical Physics Laboratory I
Course: BIPH 6110, Medical Physics Laboratory II
Course: BIPH 6118, Research Project
Course: BMET 1005, Introductory Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Course: BMET 3000, Biomedical Technology Project
Course: BMET 3003, Biomedical Laboratory
Course: BMET 3004, Metrology & Regulatory Standards
Course: CANV 1702, Mas: History, Development & Meaning
Course: CANV 2012, Enterprise Internship in Arts
Course: CANV 2702, Trinidad Calypso: History, Development & Meaning
Course: CANV 3602, Festival Management
Course: CASS 0111, Caribbean On Screen
Course: CHEM 0200, N1 Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 1067, Intro. to Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 1068, Intro. to Chemistry III
Course: CHEM 1070, Intro. to the Chemistry Laboratory
Course: CHEM 2472, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Course: CHEM 2673, Core Chemistry Laboratory II
Course: CHEM 3163, Chemistry of technologically important materials
Course: CHEM 3170, Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 3270, Organic Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 3370, Physical Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 3470, Analytical methods in Chemistry II
Course: CHEM 3471, Quality Assurance for Laboratories
Course: CHEM 3563, Environmental Degradation of Materials
Course: CHEM 3576, Chemistry of Medicines
Course: CHEM 3578, Energy for a Sustainable Future
Course: CHEM 3579, Chemistry & Industry II
Course: CHEM 3670, Research Project for Chemistry Majors
Course: CHEM 3671, Research Project for BSc Chemistry
Course: CHEM 3871, Methods in Chemical Biology
Course: CHEM 6160, Metal - Organic Chemistry
Course: CHEM 6161, Physio-Chemical Properties of Inorganic Complexes
Course: CHEM 6260, Advanced Topics in Spectroscopy & Organic Synthesis
Course: CHEM 6461, Advanced Topics in Bioanalytical Chemistry
Course: CHEM 6560, Intro. to Research Techniques in Chemistry
Course: CHEM 6561, Advanced Topics in Environmental Chemistry
Course: CHEM 6562, Advanced Topics in Polymer Chemistry
Course: CHIN 1007, Chinese (Mandarin) Beginners I
Course: CHIN 1008, Mandarin Chinese for Beginners II
Course: CHNG 1002, Applied Chemistry II
Course: CHNG 1004, Chemical Process Principles I
Course: CHNG 1006, Transport Phenomena I
Course: CHNG 1007, Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
Course: CHNG 2003, Computer Aided Engineering
Course: CHNG 2006, Process Dynamics & Control
Course: CHNG 2007, Particle Technology
Course: CHNG 2008, Chemical Engineering Practice
Course: CHNG 2010, Chemical Engineering Laboratory III
Course: CHNG 3002, Biochemical Engineering
Course: CHNG 3012, Chemical Engineering Design Project
Course: CHNG 3013, Chemical Engineering Research Project
Course: CHNG 3014, Safety & Loss Prevention in Process Industries
Course: CHNG 6002, Numerical Methods & Computing
Course: CHNG 6101, Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Course: CHNG 6203, Petroleum Processing Technology (M.Sc.)
Course: CIEN 6005, Project: Civil Engineering Design
Course: CIEN 6010, Advanced Engineering Hydrology
Course: CIEN 6012, Advanced Transportation Engineering
Course: CIEN 6030, Performance Based Seismic Design
Course: CLL Let's Talk Yoruba, CLL Let's Talk Yoruba
Course: CLSY 6700, Caribbean Ethics and Professional Practice Seminar
Course: CLTR 3101, Race, Nationalism and Culture
Course: CLTR 6030, Dynamics of Caribbean Culture
Course: CLTR 6100, Methods of Inquiry in Culture
Course: CLTR 6281, Cultural Studies Research Workshop
Course: CLTR 7003, Cultural Studies Research Workshop
Course: CLTR 8003, Cultural Studies Research Workshop
Course: COCR 1012, Work Place Protocol
Course: COCR 1013, Financial Literacy
Course: COCR 1030, Technology Literacy
Course: COCR 1033, Mind the Gap: Towards Psychological Health & Wellness
Course: COCR 1034, Public Speaking & Voice Training: Towards a More Confident You
Course: COCR 1036, Ethics & Integrity: Building Moral Competencies
Course: COCR 1039, First Aid, CPR, AED
Course: COCR 1046, Meditation & Holistic Health
Course: COCR 1047, Defensive Driving Simulation
Course: COCR 1048, Microsoft Excel Expert 2019
Course: COCR 1052, Introduction to Sign Language
Course: COCR 1056, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019
Course: COCR 1057, Microsoft Office Word 2019
Course: COCR 1058, Microsoft Office Excel 2019
Course: COCR 1059, Discover Microsoft 365 Collaborative Tools
Course: COEM 6005, Construction Project Management
Course: COEM 6015, Maintenance & Facility Mgmt (UWIDEC)
Course: COEM 6020, Research Methods (ENG)
Course: COEM 6025, Practical Team Project
Course: COMP 0200, N1 Computer Science II
Course: COMP 1011, Intro. to Information Technology I
Course: COMP 1601, Computer Programming I
Course: COMP 1602, Computer Programming II
Course: COMP 1603, Computer Programming III
Course: COMP 1604, Mathematics for Computing
Course: COMP 2603, Object Oriented Programming I
Course: COMP 2604, Operating Systems
Course: COMP 2606, Software Engineering
Course: COMP 3601, Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Course: COMP 3608, Intelligent Systems
Course: COMP 3609, Game Programming
Course: COMP 3610, Big Data Analytics
Course: COMP 6300, Advanced Internet Technology
Course: COMP 6802, Distributed & Parallel Database Systems
Course: COMP 6930, Machine Learning & Data Mining
Course: COMP 6940, Big Data & Visual Analytics
Course: COMS 1102, Human Communication II
Course: COMS 2002, Communication Analysis
Course: COMS 2102, Written Communication
Course: COMS 2302, Public Relations Communication
Course: COMS 2501, Communication Technology
Course: COMS 2502, Communication Technology Practicum
Course: COMS 2601, Health Communication
Course: COMS 3099, Language & Communication Seminar
Course: COMS 6003, Media, Culture & Society Theory
Course: COMS 7009, Communication Project Research Methods I & II
Course: CRMJ 3001, Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
Course: CRMJ 6007, Youth Violence & Delinquency
Course: CRMJ 6008, Crime, Police & Society
Course: CRMJ 6009, Criminal Law & Procedure
Course: CRMJ 6010, Crime & Public Policy
Course: CRMJ 6011, Professional Ethics in Policing & Criminal Justice
Course: CRMJ 6013, Reading Course/Internship
Course: CUTL 5001, Teaching & Learning: Theory & Practice
Course: CVNG 1000, Mechanics of Solids
Course: CVNG 1001, Mechanics of Fluids I
Course: CVNG 1002, Civil Engineering Design I
Course: CVNG 1010, Information Technology for Engineers
Course: CVNG 1011, Geology
Course: CVNG 1015, Civil Engineering Law & Management
Course: CVNG 2003, Civil Engineering Design II
Course: CVNG 2006, Structural Design I
Course: CVNG 2009, Soil Mechanics II
Course: CVNG 2011, Engineering Hydrology
Course: CVNG 2012, Environmental Engineering I
Course: CVNG 3001, Structural Engineering
Course: CVNG 3004, Structural Dynamics
Course: CVNG 3006, Environmental Geotechnics
Course: CVNG 3007, Environmental Engineering I
Course: CVNG 3008, Environmental Engineering II
Course: CVNG 3010, Transportation Engineering II
Course: CVNG 3011, Pavement Design & Management
Course: CVNG 3013, Coastal Engineering
Course: CVNG 3014, Engineering Design Project
Course: CVNG 3015, Special Investigative Project
Course: CVNG 3020, Design Project Environmental
Course: CVNG 3021, Special Investigative Project Environmental
Course: CVNG 3022, Building Services Engineering
Course: CZEM 6102, Coastal Zone Metrics
Course: CZEM 6106, Design of Coastal Structures
Course: CZEM 6112, Coastal Zone Modeling
Course: DANC 0804, Fundamentals of Choreography
Course: DANC 0805, Teaching Methodology
Course: DANC 0806, Dance Technique (Performance)
Course: DANC 0807, Dance Education II
Course: DANC 1011, Dance Injuries & Conditioning
Course: DANC 1012, Ballet Techniques I
Course: DANC 1013, Dance History
Course: DANC 1014, Dance Composition I
Course: DANC 2013, Modern Dance
Course: DANC 2014, Dance Education
Course: DANC 2015, Indian Dance II
Course: DANC 3012, Dance & Caribbean Festivals
Course: DANC 3013, Art & Fundamentals of Choreography
Course: DANC 3014, Festival Dance Ensemble II
Course: ECCD 0112, Attending to the needs of young children
Course: ECCD 0113 (FDCRC 106), Learning In A Social Context
Course: ECCD 0210, Technology & Administration in Early Childhood Education
Course: ECCD 0211, Community Based Activities
Course: ECNG 1006, Laboratory & Project Design I
Course: ECNG 1007, Electrical Engineering Technology
Course: ECNG 1009, Intro. to Programming
Course: ECNG 1014, Digital Electronics
Course: ECNG 1015, Intro. to Electrical Energy Systems
Course: ECNG 1016, Mathematics for Electrical Engineers I
Course: ECNG 2000, Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Course: ECNG 2001, Communication Systems I
Course: ECNG 2005, Laboratory & Project Design III
Course: ECNG 2006, Intro. to Microprocessors
Course: ECNG 2009, Control Systems
Course: ECNG 3003, Telecommunication Networks
Course: ECNG 3004, Control Systems Applications
Course: ECNG 3010, Electrical Machines & Drive Systems
Course: ECNG 3012, Power Systems Analysis
Course: ECNG 3016, Advanced Digital Electronics
Course: ECNG 3019, Digital Control System Design
Course: ECNG 3020, Special Project
Course: ECNG 3022, Electromagnetic Field Theory
Course: ECNG 3024, Network Synthesis
Course: ECNG 3025, Discrete Signal Processing
Course: ECNG 6505, Surge Phenomena & Insulation Coordination
Course: ECNG 6509, Switchgear & Transformer Technology
Course: ECNG 6600, Real Time Systems
Course: ECNG 6603, Modern Control Strategies
Course: ECNG 6613, Database Systems Principles & Design
Course: ECNG 6614, Multiprocessor Systems
Course: ECNG 6620, Visual Media Processing II
Course: ECNG 6701, Data Communication Network
Course: ECNG 6704, Performance Engineering of Computer Comm. Systems
Course: ECNG 6708, Transmission Systems
Course: ECNG 6710, Research Methods
Course: ECON 0001, Mathematics for Social Sciences
Course: ECON 1002, Intro. to Economics II
Course: ECON 1003, Mathematics for Economics I
Course: ECON 1004, Mathematics for Economics II
Course: ECON 1005, Intro. to Statistics
Course: ECON 2001, Intermediate Microeconomics II
Course: ECON 2003, Intermediate Macroeconomics II
Course: ECON 2005, Social & Economic Accounting
Course: ECON 2016, Mathematics for Economics III
Course: ECON 2020, Caribbean Economy
Course: ECON 2030, Behavioural Economics
Course: ECON 3002, Social Policy Economics
Course: ECON 3007, International Finance
Course: ECON 3008, History of Economic Thought
Course: ECON 3020, Economic Integration
Course: ECON 3050, Econometrics II
Course: ECON 3052, Economic Development
Course: ECON 3056, Project Evaluation
Course: ECON 3066, Corporate Finance
Course: ECON 3071, The Economics of Disaster Risk Mgmt & Climate Change Adaptation
Course: ECON 3074, Urban & Regional Economics
Course: ECON 6000, Micro Economic Theory
Course: ECON 6001, Macro Economic Theory
Course: ECON 6006, Applied Econometrics
Course: ECON 6007, Advanced Health Economics
Course: ECON 6009, The Economics of Sustainable Development
Course: ECON 6011, International Trade - New Approaches
Course: ECON 6012, Monetary Issues in Economic Development
Course: ECON 6047, Advanced Financial Economics
Course: ECON 6048, Topics in Financial Economics
Course: EDCU 6310, Curriculum Policy & Planning
Course: EDCU 6311, Curriculum Implementation & Adaptation
Course: EDEA 1410, School & Classroom Management
Course: EDEA 6202, Educational Improvement Project (Year Long)
Course: EDED 5200, Educational Administration for Secondary Schools
Course: EDFA 2402, Cultural Diversity, Citizenship & Schooling II
Course: EDFA 3201, The Challenge of Human Development
Course: EDFA 5500, VAPA - Foundations and Issues
Course: EDFL 5400, Teach of Modern Foreign Lang
Course: EDGC 6211, Health & Family Life Education
Course: EDGC 6212, Diagnosis & Counselling : First Steps
Course: EDIT 5002, Teaching of Information Technology
Course: EDLA 1180, Developing Literacy Ability
Course: EDLA 2113, Teaching Children's Literature
Course: EDLA 3111, Principles, Approaches & Methods in Teaching Standard Engl
Course: EDLS 6404, Information Literacy
Course: EDMA 1721, Mathematics Appreciation
Course: EDMA 3902, Trends & Issues in Mathematics Education
Course: EDMA 5700, Teaching of Mathematics
Course: EDME 2006, Classroom Testing & Evaluation
Course: EDPS 6303, Cognition & Learning
Course: EDRS 1402, School & Classroom Research
Course: EDRS 5450, The Reflective Practitioner
Course: EDRS 6203, Graduate Research Seminars
Course: EDRS 6210, Fundamentals of Educational Research II
Course: EDRS 6217, Advanced Statistical Methods in Education I
Course: EDRS 6900, Research Project
Course: EDRS 6910, Mixed Methods Research Designs: Issues and Implications
Course: EDRS 7800, M.Phil Thesis-Education
Course: EDRS 8800, Ph.D Thesis- Education
Course: EDSC 2221, Mathematics for Science Teaching
Course: EDSC 3418, Science Teaching in the Primary School
Course: EDSC 5800, Teaching of Science
Course: EDSE 6002, Inclusive Classrooms: Policy & Practice
Course: EDSE 6003, Assessment in Inclusive & Special Education
Course: EDSP 0102, Sports Officiating
Course: EDSP 0201, Issues and Values In Sp & Phy Ed
Course: EDSP 0202, Sports Injuries: Prev & Treat
Course: EDSS 2906, Teaching Geographical Skills
Course: EDSS 5710, Teaching of Social Sciences
Course: EDTL 3001, Theory & Practice of Teaching
Course: EDTV 5000, Competencies Based Training for Technical & Vocational Educators
Course: EDVA 5300, Teaching of Visual & Performing Arts
Course: ENGR 0305, Pre-Engineering Mathematics II
Course: ENGR 0307, Pre-Engineering Physics II
Course: ENGR 0310, Intro. to Soc. Sci. & the Humanities
Course: ENGR 0311, Pre-Engineering Chemistry
Course: ENGR 0312, Fund. of Eng. Graphics
Course: ENGR 0315, Programming Fundamentals for Engineers
Course: ENGR 1001, Information Technology for Engineers
Course: ENGR 3000, Technology of the Steel Pan
Course: ENGR 3001, Natural Hazards Management
Course: ENGR 3003, Engineering Entrepreneurship
Course: ENGR 6001, Environmental Data, Quality Standards, Sampling & Analysis
Course: ENGR 6004, Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
Course: ENGR 6006, Water & Wastewater Engineering
Course: ENGR 6008, Environmental Impact Assessment in Environmental Engineering
Course: ENGR 6011, GIS, L& Use & Resource Management in Environmental Eng.
Course: ENRM 1002, Intro. to Natural Resource Economics
Course: ENRM 1004, Ecology & Microbiology
Course: ENRM 2002, Energy Resources & Sustainability
Course: ENRM 2003, Wildlife Resources & Management
Course: ENRM 2004, Environmental Microbiology & Ecological Health
Course: ENRM 3001, Sustainable Watershed Management
Course: ENRM 3002, Anthropogenic Climate Change Management
Course: ENTR 1001, Intro. to Entrepreneurship Creativity & Problem Solving
Course: ENTR 2001, Intro. to Innovation & Decision Making
Course: ENTR 2002, Entrepreneurial Business Planning
Course: ENTR 3002, Case Studies in Entrepreneurship
Course: ENTR 3003, Entrepreneurship Finance
Course: ESST 1000, Physics for Environmental Sciences
Course: ESST 1005, Information Technology Fundamentals
Course: ESST 1006, Human Impact on the Environment
Course: ESST 2004, Physics for Environmental Science II
Course: ESST 2005, Pollution Management & Abatement Technologies
Course: ESST 2006, Pollution Biology
Course: ESST 3000, Environmental Toxicology
Course: ESST 3004, Capstone Project
Course: ESST 3006, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
Course: ESST 3007, Environmental Management Information Systems
Course: ESST 3102, Environmental Impact Assessment
Course: FDMU 0005, Preparatory Academic Writing
Course: FILM 1101, Intro. to photography
Course: FILM 1102, Intro. to the History of Narrative Cinema
Course: FILM 1399, Fundamentals of Film Production
Course: FILM 2101, Cinema & Gender
Course: FILM 2299, Production II - The Making of a Documentary
Course: FILM 2301, Cinematography
Course: FILM 2302, Editing
Course: FILM 2401, Screenwriting
Course: FILM 2403, Caribbean Cinema I: Caribbean Film History
Course: FILM 3099, Advanced Research Seminar FILM
Course: FILM 3104, Cinemas of Africa
Course: FILM 3201, Film Marketing & Distribution
Course: FILM 3203, Cinemas of Latin America
Course: FILM 3299, Capstone: Making a Film
Course: FOSQ 5002, Project Management in Food & Agriculture
Course: FOSQ 5004, Agri-Food Safety & Risk Analysis
Course: FOSQ 5005, Epidemiology & Food-borne diseases
Course: FOSQ 5006, International Trade & Agri-Food Legislation
Course: FOSQ 6002, Project Management in Food & Agriculture (FOSQ 6002)
Course: FOSQ 6004, Agri-Food Safety & Risk Analysis
Course: FOSQ 6005, Epidemiology & Food-borne Diseases
Course: FOSQ 6006, International Trade & Agri-Food Legislation
Course: FOST 6000, Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering
Course: FOST 6001, Sanitation in Food Processing
Course: FOST 6004, Food Processing Laboratories
Course: FOST 6008, Preservation & Processing of Fruits & Vegetables
Course: FOUN 1101, Caribbean Civilisation
Course: FOUN 1104, Writing About Literature
Course: FOUN 1105, Scientific & Technical Writing
Course: FOUN 1107, Writing in the Visual, Performing & Carnival Arts
Course: FOUN 1210, Science Medicine & Technology in Society
Course: FOUN 1301, Law, Governance, Economy & Society
Course: FREN 1001, FRENCH 1A (CLL)
Course: FREN 1002, FRENCH 1B (CLL)
Course: FREN 1004, FRENCH 2B (CLL)
Course: FREN 1006, FRENCH 3B (CLL)
Course: FREN 1009, French for Beginners I
Course: FREN 1402, French Language IB
Course: FREN 1600, Intro. to Literature in French:From Renaissance to Enlightenment
Course: FREN 2402, French Language IIB
Course: FREN 2608, French Caribbean Women Writers
Course: FREN 3402, French Language IIIB
Course: FREN 3505, French Caribbean Prose
Course: FSTF 1000, Study Skills for the Sciences
Course: GEND 2013, Men & Masculinities in the Caribbean
Course: GEND 2025, women & Work in the Global Economy
Course: GEND 2104, Cinema & Gender
Course: GEND 3031, Sex, Gender & Society
Course: GEND 3038, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: GEND 5002/6003/7002/8002, Philosophy of Gender in Caribbean Thought
Course: GEND 6102, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology
Course: GEND 6103, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning
Course: GEND 7101, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology
Course: GEND 7102, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning
Course: GEND 8101, Feminist Epistemology & Methodology
Course: GEND 8102, Gender Analysis for Development, Policy & Planning
Course: GENS 3260, Gender & Science
Course: GEOG 1132, Human Geography II
Course: GEOG 1232, Earth Environments II
Course: GEOG 2013, Geography Research Methods
Course: GEOG 2016, Intro. to Urban Geography
Course: GEOG 2017, Geopolitics & Political Geography
Course: GEOG 3110, Research Project
Course: GEOG 3113, Remote Sensing & GIS
Course: GEOG 3116, Geographies of the Caribbean
Course: GEOG 3117, Environmental Modelling with GIS
Course: GEOM 1002, Cartography & Visualization
Course: GEOM 1015, Surveying II
Course: GEOM 1016, Advanced Surveying
Course: GEOM 1030, Geometric Geodesy
Course: GEOM 1032, Classic Geodesy
Course: GEOM 1040, Statistics for Surveying
Course: GEOM 1041, Statistics for Geomatics Engineering
Course: GEOM 2017, Geoinformatics for Civil & Environmental Engineers
Course: GEOM 2025, Remote Sensing
Course: GEOM 2035, Geodetic Surveying
Course: GEOM 2045, Land Law
Course: GEOM 2048, Intro. to Planning
Course: GEOM 2050, Mapping Project
Course: GEOM 2060, Cartography (GEOM 2060)
Course: GEOM 2065, Construction and Engineering Surveying
Course: GEOM 3015, Professional Practice
Course: GEOM 3025, Engineering Surveying
Course: GEOM 3050, Special Investigative Project
Course: GINF 6009, Applications of GIS in Natural Res. Mgmt.
Course: GINF 6021, GIS & Society
Course: GINF 6022, Spatial Analysis & Modeling
Course: GINF 6023, Enterprise GIS Design & Development
Course: GINF 6024, Research Methodology (GINF 6024)
Course: GOVT 0402, Organizational Theory & Behaviour II
Course: GOVT 0412, A Study of Industrial Relations
Course: GOVT 1001, Intro. to Political Philosophy
Course: GOVT 1007, Issues in Caribbean Public Administration
Course: GOVT 1009, Ethics, Integrity & Corruption in the Public Sector
Course: GOVT 2015, Modern Political Thought
Course: GOVT 2023, Issues in Government & Politics of the West Indies
Course: GOVT 2030, Project Administration
Course: GOVT 2034, Human Resource Management in the Public Sector
Course: GOVT 2047, Principles of Public International Law
Course: GOVT 2049, International Political Economy
Course: GOVT 2061, Public International Law
Course: GOVT 2062, International Security
Course: GOVT 2072, Employment Law
Course: GOVT 3003, Foreign Policy in the Third World
Course: GOVT 3011, Violence & Development
Course: GOVT 3024, Administrative Law II
Course: GOVT 3047, International Financial Organisations
Course: GOVT 3054, Intro. to International Relations in the Caribbean
Course: GOVT 3062, Comparative Public Administration
Course: GOVT 3065, Religion & World Politics
Course: GOVT 3067, Caricom Single Market & Economy
Course: GOVT 3123, Industrial Relations Law
Course: GOVT 6002, Methods of Political Research
Course: GOVT 6004, Political Sociology II
Course: GOVT 6103, Theories of Political Leadership
Course: GRSM 7000 (Chemistry), M.Phil. Research Seminars (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 7004, Scientific Presentation & Critique I (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 7005, Scientific Presentation & Critique II (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 7006, Scientific Presentation & Critique III (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 8000 (Chemistry), Ph.D. Research Seminars (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 8004, Scientific Presentation & Critique I (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 8005, Scientific Presentation & Critique II (Chemistry)
Course: GRSM 8006, Scientific Presentation & Critique III (Chemistry)
Course: GW101, Grammar Workshop
Course: HIST 1307, History of Africa, ca. 1000-1860
Course: HIST 1603, Foundations of the Americas
Course: HIST 1703, Intro. to History
Course: HIST 1801, Intro. to Archaeology
Course: HIST 2004, History of the West Indies Since The 1830's
Course: HIST 2202, History of The United States Since 1865
Course: HIST 2402, Conflict & Integration in 20th Century Europe
Course: HIST 2502, South Asia 1860 to the Present
Course: HIST 2602, Imperialism Since 1918
Course: HIST 2807, Digital History
Course: HIST 2901, Heritage Tourism Management & Preservation in the Caribbean
Course: HIST 3002, Topics in the History of T&T, 1898-Present
Course: HIST 3601, Capitalism & Slavery
Course: HIST 3603, From Monroe To Castro : U.S. Relations with L.A. & Caribbean
Course: HIST 3606, African Diaspora II : From 1800 To Present
Course: HIST 6099, The Development of Society in the C'bean after Emancipation
Course: HIST 6599, Theory & Methods of History
Course: HUEC 0102, Fundamentals of Food & Nutrition II
Course: HUEC 0104, Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
Course: HUEC 0105, Food & Nutritional Chemistry
Course: HUEC 0106, Introduction to Family & Consumer Sciences
Course: HUEC 1001, Food Science
Course: HUEC 1004, Intro. to Foods
Course: HUEC 1005, Intro. to Biostatistics
Course: HUEC 2002, Nutrition Throughout The Life Cycle
Course: HUEC 2003, Foodservice Systems Mgmt (Org. Mgmt & Operations)
Course: HUEC 2009, Family Resource Management
Course: HUEC 2011, Physiology in Health & Disease
Course: HUEC 2013, Principles of Dietetics
Course: HUEC 3002, Foodservice Systems Management (Quantity Foods)
Course: HUEC 3006, Medical Nutrition Therapy II
Course: HUEC 3010, Housing & the Environment
Course: HUEC 3015, Nutrition & Health in Sports Performance
Course: HUEC 3016, Nutrition in Health & Disease
Course: HUEC 3020, Development of Caribbean Cuisine
Course: HUEC 3027, Introduction to Research Methods
Course: HUEC 5010, Food Service Systems Management Practicum
Course: HUEC 5030, Clinical Nutrition Practicum
Course: HUMN 0103, Writing for Excellence: Introduction to Tertiary Level Academic Writing
Course: HUMN 0105, Gendering Caribbean Studies
Course: HUMN 0107, Nation Tongues: Language in Caribbean Society
Course: HUMN 0199, Caribbean Canvas Project
Course: HUMN 6699, Methods of Research & Literary Scholarship
Course: IENG 2000, Work Study & Ergonomics
Course: IENG 2004, Industrial Database Sys. & Design
Course: IENG 2006, Eng. Econ. Acct. & Financial Mgmt.
Course: IENG 2007, Operation Research II
Course: IENG 3001, Production Planning & Control
Course: IENG 3002, Plant Layout & Materials Handling
Course: IENG 3003, Behavioural Science Concepts in Management
Course: IENG 3006, Automation
Course: IENG 3009, Industrial Database Design
Course: IENG 3012, Industrial Engineering Project
Course: IENG 3013, Simulation of Industrial & Business Processes
Course: INFO 1601, Introduction to WWW Programming
Course: INFO 2600, Information Systems Development
Course: INFO 2602, Web Programming & Technologies
Course: INFO 2604, Information Systems Security
Course: INFO 3602, Web Programming & Technologies II
Course: INFO 3604, Project
Course: INFO 3606, Cloud Computing
Course: INFO 3607, Fundamentals of WAN Technologies
Course: INFO 3608, E-Commerce
Course: INFO 3611, Database Administration for Professionals
Course: INRL 6020, Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Methods for Int’l Relations
Course: INTE 5001, Consecutive Interpretation
Course: INTE 5002, Simultaneous Interpretation
Course: JAPA 1007, Japanese for Beginners I
Course: LARS 0111, Literature in Life
Course: LAW 1020, Constitutional Law
Course: LAW 1120, Criminal Law II
Course: LAW 1230, Legal Methods, Research & Writing
Course: LAW 1310, Law of Torts I
Course: LAW 1410, Contract Law
Course: LAW 2220, Real Property II
Course: LAW 2320, Public International Law II
Course: LAW 2710, Administrative Law
Course: LAW 2810, Equitable Remedies
Course: LAW 2910, Commonwealth Caribbean Human Rights Law
Course: LAW 3120, Law Of Corporate Management
Course: LAW 3130, Law Of Corporate Finance
Course: LAW 3140, Law of Corporate Insolvency
Course: LAW 3220, Family Law II
Course: LAW 3280, International Mooting
Course: LAW 3290, Independent Research Paper
Course: LAW 3620, Law of International Organisations
Course: LAW 3645, Sports Law Seminar
Course: LAW 3870, Poverty Law I
Course: LAW 3892, International Human Rights Clinic
Course: LAW 6203, Patent Law (The Protection of Technology Assets)
Course: LAW 6490, LLM Advanced Corporate Insolvency
Course: LAW 6740, Legislative Drafting
Course: LEAD 2001, Personal Leadership
Course: LING 1001, Intro. to Phonetics & Phonology
Course: LING 2002, Syntax
Course: LING 2105, Language Development & Learning Disabilities
Course: LING 2302, Sociolinguistics
Course: LING 2305, Intro. to Educational Linguistics
Course: LING 2403, Change & Development in the English Language
Course: LING 2903, Structure & Usage of French-Lexicon Creole II
Course: LING 3099, Special Project in Linguistics
Course: LING 3202, Creole Linguistics
Course: LING 5103, Curriculum Design & Resources in ELT
Course: LING 5106, Theory & Application of Assessment in TESOL
Course: LING 6701, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
Course: LITS 1001, Intro. to Poetry
Course: LITS 2006, English Poetry: Donne to Byron
Course: LITS 2109, Novel II
Course: LITS 2110, African Literature in English I
Course: LITS 2507, Intro. to West Indian Poetry B: Selected WI Poets
Course: LITS 2604, Creative Writing : Prose Fiction I
Course: LITS 3502, Advanced Seminar in West Indian Literature B
Course: LITS 3915, Storytelling in Media
Course: LITS 6005, The Writer & Society
Course: LITS 6501, Special Topics in West Indian Literature
Course: LITS 6690, Research Methods in Literary Discourse
Course: LITS 6802, Independent Readings II
Course: LMGV 1000, Land Economy
Course: LMGV 1005, Valuation Project I
Course: LMGV 1006, Residential Valuation Project
Course: LMGV 2003, Valuation Project II
Course: LMGV 2006, Commercial Valuation Project
Course: LMGV 3002, Estate & L& Management
Course: LMGV 3003, Land Economy (LMGV 3003)
Course: LMGV 3050, Valuation Research Project
Course: LMGV 3060, Intro. to L& Administration
Course: MATH 0200, N1 Mathematics II
Course: MATH 1125, Fundamental Mathematics for the General Science II
Course: MATH 1141, Introductory Linear Algebra & Analytical Geometry
Course: MATH 1151, Calculus II
Course: MATH 1194, Mathematical Software III - A Primer on MATLAB
Course: MATH 1202, Applied Mathematics II
Course: MATH 2115, Life Contingencies I
Course: MATH 2212, Mathematics of Finance II
Course: MATH 2240, Statistics
Course: MATH 2271, Ordinary Differential Equations
Course: MATH 2272, Abstract Algebra I
Course: MATH 2275, Statistics I
Course: MATH 2277, Intro. to Real Analysis I
Course: MATH 3273, Linear Algebra II
Course: MATH 3277, Intro. to Real Analysis II
Course: MATH 3401, Mathematical Modelling
Course: MATH 3465, Statistical Inference
Course: MATH 3615, Graph Theory & Applications
Course: MATH 6120, Differential Equations
Course: MATH 6193, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Course: MATH 6630, Functional Analysis
Course: MDSC 1003, Intro. to Audiology
Course: MDSC 1004, Anatomy & Physiology of Speech & Language
Course: MDSC 2003, Clinical Management
Course: MEDC 0102, Biology for Pre-Health Science II
Course: MEDC 0202, Chemistry for Pre-Health Science II
Course: MEDC 0302, English for Pre-Health Science II
Course: MEDC 0402, Statistics for Pre-Health Science II
Course: MEDC 0502, Physics for Pre-Health Science II
Course: MENG 1001, Engineering Thermodynamics I
Course: MENG 1004, Engineering Dynamics
Course: MENG 1009, Machine Drawing
Course: MENG 1011, Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Course: MENG 2003, Mechanical Vibrations
Course: MENG 2008, Manufacturing Technology
Course: MENG 2012, Heat Transfer
Course: MENG 2013, Machine Design II
Course: MENG 2015, Control Systems Technology
Course: MENG 3001, Engineering Management II
Course: MENG 3007, Drainage & Irrigation Engineering
Course: MENG 3008, Field Machinery & Equipment
Course: MENG 3011, Advanced Mechanics of Solids
Course: MENG 3014, CAD & Manufacture
Course: MENG 3016, Maintenance & Safety Engineering
Course: MENG 3019, Mechanical Engineering Project
Course: MENG 3026, Renewable Energy
Course: MENG 3027, Traction & Power Hydraulics
Course: MENG 3028, Power Plant Engineering II
Course: MENG 3029, Environmental Control Engineering II
Course: MENG 3030, Basic Engineering Infrastructure
Course: MENG 6200, Production Technology
Course: MENG 6207, Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Course: MENG 6300, Applied Ergonomics
Course: MENG 6305, Finite Element Analysis in Manufacturing
Course: MENG 6403, Human Resource Management II
Course: MENG 6502, Financial Management
Course: MENG 6508, Research Methods (Mechanical Engineering)
Course: MENG 6702, Working Planning & Scheduling
Course: MENG 6703, Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics
Course: MENG 6706, Asset Reliability Management
Course: MENG 6707, Asset Performance Management
Course: MGMT 1001, Intro. to Management
Course: MGMT 1022, Intro. to Banking
Course: MGMT 2006, Management Information Systems I
Course: MGMT 2008, Organizational Behaviour
Course: MGMT 2012, Quantitative Methods
Course: MGMT 2021, Business Law I
Course: MGMT 2022, The Law & Sports
Course: MGMT 2023, Financial Management I
Course: MGMT 2024, Money & Capital Markets
Course: MGMT 2031, Banking Risk Management
Course: MGMT 2032, Managerial Economics
Course: MGMT 2061, Life & Health Insurance & Pensions
Course: MGMT 2062, Motor & Property Insurance
Course: MGMT 3013, Database Design & Business Applications
Course: MGMT 3015, Intro. to Information Security
Course: MGMT 3017, Human Resource Management
Course: MGMT 3018, Industrial Relations
Course: MGMT 3022, Organizational Development
Course: MGMT 3024, Business Communication
Course: MGMT 3025, Human Resource Development (MGMT 3025)
Course: MGMT 3027, Sports Marketing & Public Relations
Course: MGMT 3031, Business Strategy & Policy
Course: MGMT 3032, Entrepreneurial Studies
Course: MGMT 3035, Ethics in Business
Course: MGMT 3037, International Business Management
Course: MGMT 3047, International Commercial Transactions
Course: MGMT 3050, Investment & Analysis
Course: MGMT 3051, Taxation I
Course: MGMT 3052, MGMT 3052
Course: MGMT 3055, Applied Topics in Corporate Finance
Course: MGMT 3056, Project Management
Course: MGMT 3060, Operations Planning & Control
Course: MGMT 3062, Compensation Management
Course: MGMT 3080, Bank Treasury Management
Course: MGMT 3085, Derivatives Markets
Course: MGMT 3095, Professional Ethics
Course: MGMT 3100, Liability Insurance
Course: MGMT 3102, Risk Management in Insurance
Course: MGMT 3104, Underwriting & Claims Management
Course: MGMT 3307, Quality Management
Course: MGMT 3310, Advanced Strategic Management Simulation
Course: MGMT 6004, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Course: MGMT 6007, Research Methodology
Course: MGMT 6103, Organizational Behaviour & Development
Course: MGMT 6117, Advanced Risk Management
Course: MGMT 6118, Financial Econometrics
Course: MGMT 6311, Applied Multivariate Statistics
Course: MGMT 6313, People Resourcing & Talent Management
Course: MGMT 6315, Global Marketing Strategy
Course: MGMT 6316, Operations & Supply Chain Management
Course: MGMT 8014, Advanced Human Resource Management
Course: MGMT 8031, Microeconomics for Business Decisions
Course: MGMT 8040, Quantitative Research Methods (Year Long)
Course: MHC, Math Help Centre
Course: MKTG 2001, Principles of Marketing
Course: MKTG 3001, International Marketing Management
Course: MKTG 3007, Marketing Planning
Course: MUSC 0002, General Musicianship II
Course: MUSC 0101 (European), Musicology I (European)
Course: MUSC 0201, Applied Music I
Course: MUSC 0202, Applied Music II
Course: MUSC 0207, Applied Music IV
Course: MUSC 0407, Fundamentals of Pan Arranging
Course: MUSC 0408, Music Literature of the Steelpan
Course: MUSC 0604, General Music Methods
Course: MUSC 1105, Aural Training II
Course: MUSC 1106, Music Theory II
Course: MUSC 1212, History of Western Music II
Course: MUSC 1402, Instrumental Music II
Course: MUSC 2004, Pan Arranging Part II
Course: MUSC 2006, Instrumental Music IV
Course: MUSC 2008, Steelpan History & Development
Course: MUSC 2202, Indian (Classical) Music
Course: MUSC 3102, Choral Techniques
Course: MUSC 3103, Steel Orchestral Techniques
Course: MUSC 3306, Instrumental Music VI
Course: MUSC 3502, Music Education II
Course: MUSC 3503, Music Therapy
Course: NURS 1005, Communication Skills
Course: NURS 1111, Microbiology
Course: NURS 1113, Health Informatics
Course: NURS 1114, Human A&P 2
Course: NURS 2011, Health Promotion
Course: NURS 2014, Com Health Nsg
Course: NURS 2016, Diet Therapy
Course: NURS 2017, 1st Aid 7 & BLS
Course: NURS 2018, Pharmacology & Therapuetics
Course: NURS 2019, Concepts Appld to NSG
Course: OESH 6010, Advanced Topics in OESH: Measurement Methods & Ventilation
Course: OESH 6030, Advanced Topics in OESH: OESH Disorders
Course: OESH 6040, Advanced OESH Management Systems
Course: OESH 6050, Advanced Topics in OESH: Ergonomics
Course: OESH 6300, OESH Seminar
Course: OESH 6700, Research Project (OESH 6700)
Course: OPTM 1032, Intro. to Clinical Optometry
Course: OPTM 1042, Visual Optics
Course: OPTM 1052, Perception I
Course: OPTM 1062, Introductory Biochemistry
Course: OPTM 1071, Anatomy of the Eye & Related Structures
Course: OPTM 1072, Physiology of the Eye & Related Structures
Course: OPTM 2011, Clinical Optometry / Communication Skills
Course: OPTM 2022, Ocular Pharmacology
Course: OPTM 2031, Visual Ocular Assessment & Techniques
Course: OPTM 2061, Assessment of Binocular Vision
Course: OPTM 2082, Contact Lens Practice I
Course: OPTM 2092, Clinical Methodology & Statistics
Course: OPTM 3012, Ocular & Systemic Diseases II
Course: OPTM 3021, General Clinical Practice
Course: OPTM 3031, Advanced Clinical Practice
Course: OPTM 3041, Visual Ergonomics
Course: OPTM 4021, General Clinics
Course: PECH 1101, Communication Skills for Health Students
Course: PECH 1102, PEC Practicum
Course: PENG 6008, Advanced Reservoir Engineering
Course: PENG 6010, Improved Oil Recovery
Course: PENG 6011, Petroleum Economics, Law & Contract Administration
Course: PENG 6012, Natural Gas Engineering
Course: PENG 6015, Production Engineering
Course: PENG 6021, Production Planning & Control
Course: PENG 6023, Research Methods
Course: PENG 6025, Group Field Project
Course: PGSC 1001, Intro. to Earth, Science Processes & Caribbean Geology
Course: PGSC 1004, Field & Mapping Principles
Course: PGSC 1005, Geophysics Fundamentals
Course: PGSC 1006, Applied Chemistry II
Course: PGSC 2002, Petrophysics
Course: PGSC 2004, Geochemistry of Petroleum
Course: PGSC 2006, Stratigraphy
Course: PGSC 2008, HSE for Upstream Petroleum Industry
Course: PGSC 2009, Field & Geological Mapping
Course: PGSC 2012, Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
Course: PGSC 2014, Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology & Petroleum Geophysics
Course: PGSC 3005, Computational Petroleum Geology & Geophysics
Course: PGSC 3008, Prospect Assessment, Evaluation & Petroleum Economics
Course: PGSC 3013, Advanced Petroleum Geology
Course: PGSC 3014, Advanced Petroleum Geophysics
Course: PGSC 3015, Geoscience Seminar
Course: PGSC 3016, Petroleum Geoscience Project
Course: PHYS 0200, N1 Physics II
Course: PHYS 1223, Intro. to Electricity & Magnetism
Course: PHYS 1224, Intro. to Thermodynamics & Modern Physics
Course: PHYS 2151, Classical & Statistical Mechanics
Course: PHYS 2153, Astrophysics
Course: PHYS 2154, Fundamentals of Atomic & Nuclear Physics
Course: PHYS 2155, Major Laboratory 1 Level II
Course: PHYS 2402, Digital Circuits & Logic Design
Course: PHYS 3151, Quantum Mechanics
Course: PHYS 3152, Advanced Thermodynamics & Solid State Physics
Course: PHYS 3153, Physics Major Research Project
Course: PHYS 3155, Major Laboratory 2 Level III - Year Long
Course: PHYS 3157, Earth Science
Course: PHYS 3158, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy
Course: PHYS 3159, Environmental Physics Laboratory (Year Long)
Course: PHYS 3160, Medical Physics & Bioengineering Laboratory (Year Long)
Course: PHYS 3163, Electronics Laboratory (Year Long)
Course: PHYS 3165, Material Science II
Course: PHYS 3166, Material Science Laboratory (Year Long)
Course: PHYS 3167, Radiation Biophysics & Medicine
Course: PHYS 3168, Medical Instrumentation
Course: PHYS 3202, Practical Electronics I
Course: PHYS 3203, Microprocessor & Modern Digital Design
Course: PHYS 3204, Practical Electronics II
Course: PLAN 6001, Planning Practice Law & Ethics in the Caribbean
Course: PLAN 6003, Design for Development
Course: PLAN 6007, Community & Participatory Planning
Course: PLAN 6014, Small Islands & Developing States Resource Management
Course: PLAN 6024, Research Methods (PLAN 6024)
Course: PRMG 6002, Project Management Information Systems
Course: PRMG 6005, Marketing Management & Business Construction
Course: PRMG 6007, Procurement Management Logistics & Contracting
Course: PRMG 6009, Managing IT Projects
Course: PRMG 6010, Risk Management for Project Managers
Course: PRMG 6017, Project Management for Small & Medium Size Organisations
Course: PRMG 6018, Financial Risk Mgmt & Regulatory Compliance (Banks & Fin. Inst)
Course: PRMG 6019, Research Methods for Project Managers
Course: PSMA 6001, Human Resource Management
Course: PSMA 6107, Strategic Planning
Course: PSMA 6111, Collective Bargaining & Dispute Resolution
Course: PSYC 1004, Intro. to Social Psychology
Course: PSYC 1009, Research Methods in Psychology
Course: PSYC 2002, Abnormal Psychology
Course: PSYC 2003, Physiological Psychology
Course: PSYC 2007, Psychometrics
Course: PSYC 2008, Cognitive Psychology
Course: PSYC 2019, Experimental & Applied Psychology
Course: PSYC 3002, Advanced Topics in Personality
Course: PSYC 3003, Community & Environmental Psychology
Course: PSYC 3014, Industrial & Organisational Psychology
Course: PSYC 3025, Research Project in Psychology
Course: PSYC 3026, History & Systems in Psychology
Course: PSYC 3027, Motivations & Emotions
Course: PSYC 6004, Contemporary Issues in Cognitive Psychology
Course: PSYC 6020, Psychometrics
Course: PSYC 6104, Contemporary Issues in Cognitive Psychology
Course: PSYC 6114, Advanced Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Course: RENT 6000, Research Project - Renewable Energy Technology
Course: RENT 6007, Energy Use & Energy Auditing
Course: RENT 6008, Electrical Integration of Renewables
Course: RENT 6009, Hydro & Marine Power
Course: RENT 6011, Energy Storage
Course: RENT 6012, Advanced Solar Energy
Course: RENT 6013, Wind Energy II
Course: SLIN 6003, The Human Side of Innovation
Course: SLIN 6004, Entrepreneurial Leadership
Course: SLIN 6007, Research Methodology
Course: SOCI 1000, Intro. to Sociology II
Course: SOCI 1005, Introductory Statistics for Behavioural Sciences
Course: SOCI 2001, Modern Social Theory
Course: SOCI 2006, Qualitative Methods in Sociological Research
Course: SOCI 2015, The Organization & Management of Social Services
Course: SOCI 2025, Women & Work in the Global Economy
Course: SOCI 2030, Social Development Policy
Course: SOCI 2031, Anthropology of the Peoples of the Caribbean II
Course: SOCI 2033, Introduction to Data Analysis Software for Social Research
Course: SOCI 3005, Sociology of Health & Illness
Course: SOCI 3006, Third World in Global Development
Course: SOCI 3020, Social Development Planning
Course: SOCI 3030, Sociology of Penal Practice
Course: SOCI 3031, Sex, Gender & Society : Sociological Perspectives
Course: SOCI 3036, Criminology II: Police & Society
Course: SOCI 3038, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: SOCI 3040, Sociology of Families
Course: SOCI 5001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: SOCI 6003, Advanced Research Design & Statistics in Sociology
Course: SOCI 6004, Caribbean Social Problems (Soc)
Course: SOCI 6014, Reading Course in Sociology
Course: SOCI 6040, Family Systems & Dynamics
Course: SOCI 6101, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: SOCI 6110, Social Contexts of Child & Youth Care
Course: SOCI 6112, Engaging with Children & Young People
Course: SOCI 7001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: SOCI 8001, Gender, Ethnicity & Class: Issues of Identity, Nation & Citizen
Course: SOWK 1003, Theory & Practice of Social Work I
Course: SOWK 1007, Law for Social Workers
Course: SOWK 1010, SW Practicum I
Course: SOWK 2003, Theory & Practice of Social Work III
Course: SOWK 2007, Disability Studies
Course: SOWK 2021, Human Behaviour: Person in environment perspective
Course: SOWK 3002, Family & Child Welfare
Course: SOWK 3011, Theory & Practice of Social Work: Human Resource Management
Course: SOWK 3015, Drugs & Society
Course: SOWK 6003, Social Work & Issues of Equality
Course: SOWK 6004, Advanced Social Work Interventions
Course: SOWK 6005, Seminar in Advanced Social Work Practice
Course: SOWK 6011, Restorative Justice
Course: SOWK 6013, Civil Procedure for Mediators
Course: SOWK 6014, Specialised Areas of Mediation
Course: SOWK 6017, Conflict Resolution Theory & Approaches
Course: SPAN 1002, Spanish Language IB
Course: SPAN 1007, Spanish for Beginners I
Course: SPAN 1011, Spanish for Beginners II (Blended)
Course: SPAN 1101, SPANISH 1A (CLL)
Course: SPAN 1102, SPANISH 1B (CLL)
Course: SPAN 1103, SPANISH 2A (CLL)
Course: SPAN 1104, SPANISH 2B (CLL)
Course: SPAN 1106, SPANISH 3B (CLL)
Course: SPAN 1702, Intro. to Hispanic Literature - Poetry & Drama
Course: SPAN 2002, Spanish Language IIB
Course: SPAN 2212, Hispanic Literary Culture
Course: SPAN 3002, Spanish Language IIIB
Course: SPAN 3505, Areas of Spanish Translation
Course: SPAN 3604, Major Latin American Writers (Novel & Poetry)
Course: SPAN 6007, Narcotrafficking in Contemporary Colombian Narrative
Course: SPAN 6009, Issues in Contemporary Literary Theory
Course: SPCH 1000, Sport Coaching: Basic Concepts
Course: SPKN 1103, Human Anatomy 2 - The Lower Quadrant
Course: SPKN 1104, Introduction to Sport & Exercise Psychology
Course: STAT 3000, Regression With Time Series Analysis
Course: STAT 3001, Experimental Design & Sampling Theory
Course: STAT 3012, Applied Multivariate Statistics
Course: STAT 6106, Statistical Inference for Data Analysis
Course: STAT 6130, Sampling Theory & Techniques
Course: STAT 6140, Experimental Design & Analysis
Course: STAT 6160, Data Analysis
Course: THEA 0506, Final Project
Course: THEA 0708, Stage Management
Course: THEA 0710, Lighting & Sound Production
Course: THEA 0711, Production Management (Theatre)
Course: THEA 0712, Scene & Costume Design II
Course: THEA 1204, Production 1B
Course: THEA 1205, Western Theatre History
Course: THEA 1216, Performance I
Course: THEA 2011, Critical Readings in Caribbean Arts & Culture II
Course: THEA 2207, Caribbean Drama
Course: THEA 2299, Production II
Course: THEA 3204, Playwriting
Course: THEA 3205, Seminars in Contemporary Theatre
Course: THEA 3301, Theory & Practice of Educative Theatre I
Course: THEA 3302, Theory & Practice of Educative Theatre II
Course: THEA 3307, Caribbean Performance
Course: TOUR 2001, Caribbean Tourism
Course: TOUR 2002, Transportation & Travel
Course: TOUR 3004, Tourism Destination Marketing
Course: TOUR 3008, Tourism Impact Analysis
Course: VART 0016, Basic Design II
Course: VART 0018, Basic Design IV
Course: VART 0116, Certificate Workshop II
Course: VART 0118, Certificate Workshop IV
Course: VART 0216, Certificate Drawing II
Course: VART 0218, Certificate Drawing IV
Course: VART 0602, Carnival & Contemporary Spectacle
Course: VART 0604, Cultural Organisations
Course: VART 1001, Visual Arts & Communication Studies
Course: VART 1405, 3-Dimensional Design
Course: VART 1406, Colour & Materials
Course: VART 1803, Drawing I
Course: VART 1905, History of Art Design & Arch
Course: VART 2014, Fine Art II
Course: VART 2026, Surface Design & Tech. II
Course: VART 2032, Costume Fabrication II
Course: VART 2036, Ceramics II
Course: VART 2042, Ideas in Design Culture II
Course: VART 2043, Ideas in Contemporary Art II
Course: VART 2202, Fine Art Laboratory II
Course: VART 2324, Film & Video II
Course: VART 3011, Fine Art Research Seminar
Course: VART 3013, Fine Art III
Course: VART 3027, Design III
Course: VART 3029, Design Lab III
Course: VART 3030, Design Research Seminar III
Course: VART 3201, Fine Art Lab III
Course: WW101, Writing Workshop
Staff: ABDOOL,Azim
Staff: ABDUL-MAJIED,Sabeerah, ABDUL-MAJIED,Sabeerah
Staff: Adams, Michelene, Adams, Michelene
Staff: ADAMS,Richelle, ADAMS,Richelle
Staff: ADEYANJU,Anthony
Staff: AFFONSO,Timothy, AFFONSO,Timothy
Staff: ALI,Amir, ALI,Amir
Staff: ALI,Safiya
Staff: ALI,Shirdi, ALI,Shirdi
Staff: ALI,Tyrone, ALI,Tyrone
Staff: AMAEFULE,Chumah, AMAEFULE,Chumah
Staff: AMAYE,Muli
Staff: ANDREWS,Roger
Staff: ANTOINE,Robin
Staff: Antonopoulos, Andreas, Antonopoulos, Andreas
Staff: ARAKAWA,Shiho, ARAKAWA,Shiho
Staff: ASSING,David
Staff: ATTZS,Marlene
Staff: AUSTIN,Nigel
Staff: BABOOLAL,Anastasia, BABOOLAL,Anastasia
Staff: BACHOO,Richard
Staff: BACHU,Eshwar
Staff: BAHAW,Priscilla
Staff: BAKER,Candice
Staff: BAZAN,Oscar, BAZAN,Oscar
Staff: BECKLES,Denise
Staff: BENT,Grace-Anne
Staff: BEST,Brendon
Staff: BEST,Shea, BEST,Shea
Staff: BHAGWANDIN,Devika
Staff: BHARATH,Rhoda
Staff: BHATNAGAR,Chandra Shekhar
Staff: BLACKWELL,Crystal
Staff: BLAKE,Oshaine, BLAKE,Oshaine
Staff: BOMAN,Mattias
Staff: BOODOO,Curtis
Staff: BOYD,M
Staff: BRAITHWAITE,Benjamin
Staff: BRIDGE,Jaqueline, BRIDGE,Jaqueline
Staff: BURKE,Suzanne, BURKE,Suzanne
Staff: CASTRO,Sandra
Staff: CATEAU,Heather
Staff: CHADEE,Xsitaaz
Staff: CHAKRABARTI,Dhurjati
Staff: CHESNEY,Wanda
Staff: CHIN,M., Part-time
Staff: CHINIEN, Savrina
Staff: CHOWDARY,Boppana, CHOWDARY,Boppana
Staff: CLARKE,Ricardo
Staff: COCKS,Malcolm, COCKS,Malcolm
Staff: CONRAD,Daren
Staff: COOPER,Cecelia, COOPER,Cecelia
Staff: CUDJOE,Cynthia
Staff: CUTHBERT,Candace
Staff: DAAGA,Akhenaton
Staff: DALLIER,Mathilde, DALLIER,Mathilde
Staff: DAVIS,Dexter
Staff: De FOUR,Ronald, De FOUR,Ronald
Staff: De MATAS,Charles
Staff: De SORMEAUX,Afiya
Staff: DEACON,Amy
Staff: DEDOVETS,Zhanna, DEDOVETS,Zhanna
Staff: DENNIS,Monifa, DENNIS,Monifa
Staff: DEONANAN,Regan
Staff: DIALSINGH,Isaac
Staff: DOOKERAM,Navin
Staff: DYER,Donna
Staff: DYETT,Patricia
Staff: EDWARDS,Earl
Staff: EDWARDS,Kwasi
Staff: EKWUE,Edwin, EKWUE,Edwin
Staff: ELCOCK,Tracey, ELCOCK,Tracey
Staff: ELIBOX,Winston
Staff: ELLIS,Ruel, ELLIS,Ruel
Staff: EVANS,Sandra
Staff: FACEY,Petrea
Staff: FAIRMAN,Richard
Staff: FARREL,Sandra
Staff: FARRELL,Aidan
Staff: FERNANDEZ,Romulo Guedez, FERNANDEZ,Romulo Guedez
Staff: FERREIRA,Jo-Anne
Staff: FERREIRA,Leiba-Ann
Staff: FIGUERA,Renee
Staff: FORDE,Michael
Staff: GANNESS,Marcus, GANNESS,Marcus
Staff: GEOFROY,Stephen, GEOFROY,Stephen
Staff: GIBBINGS,Celia
Staff: GIBSON,Darin, GIBSON,Darin
Staff: GOODRIDGE,Wayne
Staff: GRANGER,Charissa, GRANGER,Charissa
Staff: GRANT,I.
Staff: GREAVES,Lenore, GREAVES,Lenore
Staff: GRIERSON,Lebert
Staff: HALDAR,Subhas, HALDAR,Subhas
Staff: HALL,T
Staff: HAQUE,Shirin
Staff: HARRIS,M.
Staff: HARRY,Sharmila, HARRY,Sharmila
Staff: HOLDER,Hamlyn
Staff: HOSEIN,Michael
Staff: HOSEIN,Natalie, HOSEIN,Natalie
Staff: Hosein,Roger
Staff: HOSEIN,S.
Staff: HOSEIN,Zaheer
Staff: HULME,Mark
Staff: HUTCHINSON,Sharon
Staff: IBRAHIM-ALI,Amina
Staff: JAHGOO,DanaLee
Staff: JALSA,Nigel
Staff: JAMES,Freddy
Staff: JAYARAMAN,Jayaraj
Staff: JHAGROO,Kishore, JHAGROO,K.
Staff: JOLLY,Rosamund
Staff: JONES,Byron, JONES,Byron
Staff: JORDAN-MILLER,Leslie-Ann
Staff: JOSEPH,Andrea
Staff: Joseph,H
Staff: JOSEPH,Sherma, JOSEPH,Sherma
Staff: JULIEN,A.
Staff: KAILAS,Banerjee
Staff: KAMALUDIN,Saleem
Staff: KANHAI,La Daana
Staff: KARAN,Jillian
Staff: KHAN,Ayub
Staff: KHAN,Joseph
Staff: KHAN,Koffka
Staff: KHAN,Saeed
Staff: KHAN-KERNAHAN,I., Lecturer
Staff: KIEU,Duc
Staff: KOTZEBUE,Julia
Staff: KUMAR,Arvind
Staff: KUMAR,Vinod
Staff: La Foucade,Althea
Staff: LAKHAN,Rajesh
Staff: LALGEE,Lorale
Staff: LALLA,Terrence, LALLA,Terrence
Staff: LALLOO,S.
Staff: LAMB,Deborah
Staff: LAVEAU,N.
Staff: LEE CHAN,Therese
Staff: LEE-PIGGOTT,Rinnelle
Staff: LENNON,Adrian
Staff: LITTLE,Tracey, LITTLE,Tracey
Staff: LUCAS,Tracey, LUCAS,Tracey
Staff: LUGO,Laurisa
Staff: LYNDERSAY,Danielle, LYNDERSAY,Danielle
Staff: MAHABIR,Selris
Staff: MAHARAJ,Dinesh
Staff: MAHARAJ,Rohanie, MAHARAJ,Rohanie
Staff: MAHARAJ,Sharad
Staff: MAHUVAVA,Courage
Staff: MANOHAR,Kris
Staff: MANOHAR,Krishpersad, MANOHAR,Krishpersad
Staff: MANWAH,Chelsea
Staff: MARCUS,Tyrone, MARCUS,Tyrone
Staff: MATHISON,Dellon, MATHISON,Dellon
Staff: MATHISON,Natasha, MATHISON,Natasha
Staff: MATHURIN,Sergio
Staff: MATTHEWS,Deborah
Staff: MATTHEWS,Gelien
Staff: Mc COLLIN,Debbie, Mc COLLIN,Debbie
Staff: Mc LEAN,Roger
Staff: McNEAL,Keith, McNEAL,Keith
Staff: MENDEZ,Nicholas
Staff: MIDEROS,Diego, MIDEROS,Diego
Staff: MILLER,Keith
Staff: MOHAMMED,Asad
Staff: MOHAMMED,Azad
Staff: MOHAMMED,Phaedra
Staff: MOHAMMED,Shareeda
Staff: MOHAMMED,Terry
Staff: MOHAN,Permanand
Staff: MOORE,Anthony
Staff: MUJAFFAR,Saheeda, MUJAFFAR,Saheeda
Staff: MURRAY,Renique
Staff: NARINESINGH,Pramenath, NARINESINGH,Pramenath
Staff: NICHOLS,Selby
Staff: NIXON,Angelique
Staff: Noel,Dorian
Staff: NOEL,Ronald, NOEL,Ronald
Staff: NOTO,Misato, NOTO,Misato
Staff: OATHAM,Mike
Staff: OIHA,Kuleep
Staff: OJHA,Kuldeep
Staff: OLUTOGE,Festus
Staff: OSMAN,Ariana, OSMAN,Ariana
Staff: Pacheco,Barney
Staff: PALMA,Paola, PALMA,Paola
Staff: PARKS,Lynessa, PARKS,Lynessa
Staff: PATHAK,Dinesh
Staff: PAUL,D.
Staff: PEARCE,M.
Staff: PEMBERTON,Carlisle
Staff: PEMBERTON,Cilla
Staff: PEROT,Emma, PEROT,Emma
Staff: PETERS,Everson
Staff: PHILLIP,Sharon, PHILLIP,Sharon
Staff: PIERRE,Phaedra, PIERRE,Phaedra
Staff: PINGAL,Ramish
Staff: PIPER,Amanda
Staff: POUCHET,Anne-Marie, POUCHET,Anne-Marie
Staff: POUCHET,Gail
Staff: POUCHET,Melanie
Staff: PROUT,Patrice
Staff: QUAMMIE,Patrice
Staff: RADIX,Cathy-Ann, RADIX,Cathy-Ann
Staff: Raghunandan,Moolchand
Staff: RAHAMAN,Karim
Staff: RAJAMANICKAM,Vijayanandh
Staff: RAMBARAN,Varendra, RAMBARAN,Varendra
Staff: RAMBOCAS,Meena
Staff: RAMDEO,Shalini
Staff: RAMDOOL,Chelsea
Staff: RAMESAR,Mala
Staff: RAMJATTAN,Vishal
Staff: RAMLAL,B.
Staff: RAMNANAN,Jagdesh
Staff: RAMOS,Daniela, RAMOS,Daniela
Staff: RAMOS,R.
Staff: RAMOUTAR,Shivangelie
Staff: RAMPERSAD,Amanda
Staff: RAMPERSAD,Sephra
Staff: RAMRATTAN, Rishma, RAMRATTAN, Rishma
Staff: RAMSAY,Allison, RAMSAY,Allison
Staff: RAMSEWAK,Russel
Staff: RAMSUBHAG,Adesh
Staff: RAO GUNAKALA,Sreedhara
Staff: REGIS,Hannah, REGIS,Hannah
Staff: REMY,J
Staff: RENWICK,Camille
Staff: RICHARDS,Tyler
Staff: ROBERTS,Nicole, ROBERTS,Nicole
Staff: ROBINSON,Jean-Louis, ROBINSON,Jean-Louis
Staff: ROCHFORD,Rachel
Staff: ROCKE,Sean
Staff: RODRIGUEZ,Ricardo
Staff: ROSTANT,Luke
Staff: RUDDER,Mark
Staff: SAMLAL,Keisha
Staff: SAMUEL,C.
Staff: SANCHEZ,Juan David
Staff: SANKAR,Alana
Staff: SANKAR,Kellon
Staff: SANKARAN,Amanda
Staff: SASTRY,Musti, SASTRY,Musti
Staff: Scott,Ewan
Staff: SEEGOBIN,Naresh
Staff: SEENATH,Kerwyn
Staff: SEEPERSAD, Randy
Staff: SHARMA,Chandrabhan, SHARMA,Chandrabhan
Staff: SHARMA,Davinder
Staff: SHARMA,Rawatee
Staff: SHEPHERD,Alicia
Staff: SHEPHERD,Valerie, SHEPHERD,Valerie
Staff: SHRIVASTAVA,G., Lecturer
Staff: Simms,Errol
Staff: SINGH,Arvind
Staff: SINGH,Harjit Pal
Staff: SINGH,Nalini, SINGH,Nalini
Staff: SINGH,Paul, SINGH,Paul
Staff: SKEETE,Geraldine, SKEETE,Geraldine
Staff: SKERRIT,Paulson, SKERRIT,Paulson
Staff: SMART,Stokeley
Staff: SMITH,Jeffrey, Lecturer
Staff: SMITH,Jovanca
Staff: SOBERS,Lorraine, SOBERS,L
Staff: Sogren,Michele
Staff: SONRON,Ebiakpo-Aboere
Staff: SOOKRAM,Chelsea
Staff: SUBRATTI,Afraz
Staff: SUMADH,D.
Staff: TAYLOR,Richard
Staff: TONEY,Jason
Staff: TRIPATHI,Vrijesh
Staff: TULL,J
Staff: VINCENT,Hasley, VINCENT,Hasley
Staff: WEBB,Marquitta
Staff: WHITEMAN,Pauline
Staff: WILSON,Shellyanne
Room: Daaga Auditorium
Room: ENG 10
Room: ENG 101
Room: ENG 102
Room: ENG 103
Room: ENG 104
Room: ENG 105
Room: ENG 106
Room: ENG 107
Room: ENG 11
Room: ENG 12
Room: ENG 5
Room: ENG 6
Room: ENG 7
Room: ENG 8
Room: ENG 9
Room: Eng Blue Room
Room: ENG Design Office 1
Room: ENG Design Office 3
Room: ENG Geol Rm
Room: ENG Lecture Room 1
Room: ENG Lecture Room 2
Room: ENG Lecture Room 3
Room: ENG Lecture Room 4
Room: ENG Lecture Theatre 1
Room: ENG Lecture Theatre 2
Room: ENG Lecture Theatre 3
Room: ENG MD2
Room: ENG MD3
Room: ENG PG Conference Room
Room: ENG PG Lab
Room: ENG PG Lecture Room
Room: ENG SV006
Room: ENG SV019
Room: ENG SV105
Room: ENG SV109
Room: ENG SV110
Room: ENG SV111
Room: FFA 26
Room: FFA 271
Room: FFA A
Room: FFA Agriculture Computer Laboratory
Room: FFA B
Room: FFA B1
Room: FFA C
Room: FFA D 2 (Food Laboratory)
Room: FFA DAEE Computer Lab
Room: FFA E
Room: FFA FPL, Food Production Laboratory
Room: FFA Lawrence A Wilson Food Biology Lab
Room: FFA Microbiology Lab
Room: FFA Seminar Room (Old FFA E) , FFA Seminar Room (Old FFA E)
Room: FFA Soil Chemistry Lab
Room: FFA Soils Physics Lab
Room: FFA TL, Textile Laboratory
Room: FFA TR, Tutorial Room
Room: FFA W
Room: FFA X
Room: FHE Archaeology Centre
Room: FHE 314 A
Room: FHE 314 B
Room: FHE CLL Room 1
Room: FHE CLL Room 2 (LLE)
Room: FHE CLL Room 3
Room: FHE CLL Room 4
Room: FHE CLL Room 5
Room: FHE CLL Room 6
Room: FHE CLL Room 7
Room: FHE CLL Room 8
Room: FHE CLL Room 9
Room: FHE CLL Room 10
Room: FHE CLL Room 11
Room: FHE CLL Room 12
Room: FHE DCFA Ceramics Lab
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Dance Studio 1, FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Dance Studio 1
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Dance Studio 2, FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Dance Studio 2
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Lecture Room 1
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Lecture Room 2
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Lecture Room 3
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Technical Theatre Room, FHE DCFA Cheesman Bldg Technical Theatre Room
Room: FHE DCFA Cheesman Building (Cheesman Avenue)
Room: FHE DCFA Design Studio (Gordon Street)
Room: FHE DCFA Drawing Studio
Room: FHE DCFA Exhibition Hall
Room: FHE DCFA G Musical Arts Studio II
Room: FHE DCFA G Musical Arts Studio V
Room: FHE DCFA Music Studio 1
Room: FHE DCFA Music Studio 4
Room: FHE DCFA Pan Theatre
Room: FHE DCFA Percussion Room
Room: FHE DCFA Print Studio
Room: FHE FILM Editing Suite
Room: FHE FILM Lecture Room 1
Room: FHE FILM Studio
Room: FHE SB Writing Room
Room: FHE SB1
Room: FHE SB2
Room: FHE SB3
Room: FHE SB4, FHE SB4
Room: FHE SB5, FHE SB5
Room: FHE SOE 130
Room: FHE SOE 131
Room: FHE SOE 202
Room: FHE SOE 203
Room: FHE SOE 204
Room: FHE SOE 217 { Computer Lab - PC }
Room: FHE SOE 218
Room: FHE SOE 219
Room: FHE SOE 220 { Computer Lab - MAC }
Room: FHE SOE 221
Room: FHE SOE 228
Room: FHE SOE 323 {SR1}
Room: FHE SOE 324 {SR4}
Room: FHE SOE 325 {SR2}
Room: FHE SOE 326 {SR3}
Room: FHE SOE A1 EF (Room 2)
Room: FHE SOE A2 J
Room: FHE SOE N 11
Room: FHE SOE N 12
Room: FHE SOE N 13
Room: FHE SOE South Block Old Library
Room: FHE SOE South Block SCI LAB
Room: FSS 100 E
Room: FSS 100 W
Room: FSS 101 E
Room: FSS 101 W
Room: FSS 102 E
Room: FSS 102 W
Room: FSS 103
Room: FSS Centre for Health Economcis Meeting Room
Room: FSS DMS 106
Room: FSS DMS 107
Room: FSS Lab
Room: FSS Lounge
Room: FST 113
Room: FST 114
Room: FST 212A
Room: FST 214
Room: FST 325 Radiation Laboratory
Room: FST 412
Room: FST 413
Room: FST 415
Room: FST 416
Room: FST 425
Room: FST 429
Room: FST C1
Room: FST C2
Room: FST C3
Room: FST Chemistry Computer Laboratory
Room: FST Chemistry Postgraduate Labs
Room: FST CL1
Room: FST CL2
Room: FST CL3
Room: FST CL4
Room: FST CL5
Room: FST CSE, Chemistry Seminar Room East
Room: FST CSL1
Room: FST CSL2
Room: FST CSW, Chemistry Seminar Room West
Room: FST DLS Undergraduate Biotechnology Teaching Lab, FST Biotechnology Teaching Lab
Room: FST LS1
Room: FST LS3
Room: FST Materials Science
Room: FST Math Help Centre
Room: IGDS Seminar Room
Room: JFK LT
Room: Law Auditorium, Law Auditorium
Room: LAW Dean's Conference Room, LAW Dean's Conference Room
Room: Law Seminar Room, Law Seminar Room
Room: LR2
Room: LRC A
Room: LRC B
Room: LRC C
Room: LRC East Lab
Room: LRC T2
Room: LRC T3
Room: LRC T4
Room: LRC West Lab
Room: TCB 21
Room: TCB 22
Room: TCB 23
Room: TCB 31
Room: TCB 32
Room: TCB 33
Room: TLC - DLS Bioinformatics Research Lab
Room: TLC Postgraduate Lounge
Room: TLC LT A1, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre A 1
Room: TLC LT A2, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre A 2
Room: TLC LT B, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre B
Room: TLC LT C, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre C
Room: TLC LT D, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre D
Room: TLC LT E, Teaching and Learning Complex Lecture Theatre E
Room: TLC TR1, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 1
Room: TLC TR2, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 2
Room: TLC TR3, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 3
Room: TLC TR4, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 4
Room: TLC TR5, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 5
Room: TLC TR6, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 6
Room: TLC TR7, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 7
Room: TLC TR8, Teaching and Learning Complex Tutorial Room 8
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - BV Clinic Area
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Lecture Room 4
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Lecture Room 5
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Lecture Room 6
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - LV Clinic Area
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Optometry Clinic
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Optometry Lab. 5
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Seminar Room 3
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Seminar Room 4
Room: UWI Couva Teaching Facility - Seminar Room 5
Room: UWI SPEC RM# 77, UWI SPEC RM# 77
Room: UWI SPEC RM# 80, UWI SPEC RM# 80